Since 2008, the EST project has gone through different phases and is presently in the interim pre-construction phase. An intensification of efforts (human and economic resources) is currently taking place with the aim of transitioning to the construction phase. After a construction period of six years, the EST first light is planned for 2030-2031. EST, located at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma (Spain), will be operational for more than 30 years. 

The progress made so far by the EST project has been achieved in the first place thanks to approved EU funds obtained through FP7 and H2020 competitive calls. Secondly, EST partners have contributed with own resources to the different projects. Some of them also provided annual fees for the Preparatory Phase. Moreover, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) also contributed to the Preparatory Phase of EST together with national funding agencies.

The various projects awarded to EST over the years, or with EST participation, are the following:

INSIDE II (2023-2026) – An Agreement between the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (ICTS-2024-01-IAC-12; co-financed by FEDER funds). This is the execution of Phase 2 of the INSIDE project, related to the Canary Islands Observatories infrastructure, which was selected within the development of the POPE 2014-2020 program. Phase 1 was fully executed within the timeframe of that program.    

ICTS (2023-2025) - This grant is part of the project "Implementation of actions for the improvement of observatories in the Canary Islands" (Act. EUROPEAN SOLAR TELESCOPE - EST), financed by MCIN (Ministry of Science and Innovation) and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/RTRP (Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan), being ICT2022-007828 the reference that appears in the resolution of concession.

ESCAPE (2019-2023) – The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 824064.

EST-CZ (2019-2022) – A project funded by the Czech Ministry of Education (MEYS) to deliver the Czech contribution to the EST Preparatory Phase.

The Constructive Preparatory Phase of the European Solar Telescope (EST) - Creation of the Project Office (PREP-EST) (2017-2022) - A project funded by the Canary Islands Government (file SD 17/01) under a direct grant awarded on grounds of public interest to recruit and equip the EST Project Office, and to advance the EST Design Consolidation.

INSIDE (2019-2022) – An Agreement between the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (ICTS-2019-03-IAC-12; co-financed by FEDER funds). This operation is part of the IAC´s commitment to consolidate the Canary Islands Observatories as world reference sites for astronomical observation, and includes two EST-related sub-actions: AO/TOCA and Telescope Building/Enclosure. 

SOLARNET (2019-2022) – A project aimed at integrating the major European infrastructures in the field of high-resolution solar physics. It has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 824135.

PRE-EST (2017-2021) – The Preparatory Phase for the Construction of EST has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 739500.

MICAL-EST (2017-2021) – Strategic Improvements in Scientific-Technological Infrastructures and Logistical Support to the Canary Island Observatories (ICTS-2017-13-IAC-12 and IACA16-BE-3955), for the development of instrumentation prototypes for EST.

GREST (2015-2018) – Getting Ready for EST project was supported by the European Commission's H2020 Programme under Grant Agreement No. 653982.

SOLARNET (2013-2017) – A High-Resolution Solar Physics Network was funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme under contract No. 312495.

The EST Design Study (2008-2011) – A project funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme under contract No. 212482. This project laid the ground for subsequent EST-related projects.

The chart below summarises the contribution of funds to EST from different sources and the milestones achieved during the various phases of the process:



Currently, the main funding sources –research institutions and agencies– supporting the Preparatory Phase for the construction of EST are: