Solar pores
Pores, bright points and granulation in AR 12709 (1/3)
Active region 12709 was observed close to the solar limb on 10 May 2018 with the High-Resolution Fast Imager (HiFI) at the German 1.5-meter GREGOR telescope (Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, Spain). A wideband blue-continuum 450.5 nm (FWHM 1.2 nm) interference filter was used. The image was speckle reconstructed from a burst of 100 frames taken within 20 seconds. In order to freeze the seeing, each image was exposed for 8 milliseconds. During the measurements, the GREGOR adaptive optics system was locked on the pore to partially correct for atmospheric seeing effects.
The image shows a central dark pore surrounded by granulation. In between some of the granules, in the intergranular lanes, so-called bright points appear. A tiny dark pore is also seen in the upper left part of the image.
Image credit: Christoph Kuckein (AIP), Horst Balthasar (AIP), Sergio J. González Manrique (AISAS)