Solar physics talks in Hungary


In May 14, three talks on solar physics were held in Hungary, during which the most relevant aspects and curiosities of EST were also discussed. Two of them, delivered by Erdélyi, took place at the Nagykanizsai Bethlen Gimnazium and at Nagykanizsa Pannon University. Meanwhile, Dr. Marianna Korsos (University of Sheffield & University of Catania) addressed a group of interested young and aspiring scientists about the importance of solar physics and EST at La Kiskanizsai Primary School in Hungary.

At the same time, in Budapest, colleagues Dr. B. Asztalos from the University of Eotvos and Mr. Sz. Soos from the Hungarian Solar Physics Foundation were giving an open solar telescope demonstration with students at the University of Eotvos, taking the opportunity to explain the scientific objectives of EST.




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