The project is a structuring effort to prepare the European solar physics community to the advent of EST. It is therefore joining forces with PRE-EST.
The Integrating Activity SOLARNET (High-resolution Solar Physics Network) is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (Grant Agreement No 824135). The project started on January 1st, 2019 and will end on December 31st, 2022.
SOLARNET aspires to open the key research infrastructures of the area of high-resolution solar physics for the benefit of all European researchers. These infrastructures include the observatories, data repositories of the space missions and related data from theoretical modelling as well as computing resources.
Another objective is to improve the services provided by these infrastructures. This includes upgrading and designing new instrumentation in its scientific capabilities and the virtual installations in their value as providers of information and generators of knowledge. This also includes the research and development of technologies which will be essential for the European Solar Telescope and their verification with existing facilities.
The third goal is to coordinate activities among those European institutions and organizations that support Europe’s major research groups in solar physics. These groups are widely spread across Europe, and hence networking among the scientists is essential to exchange expertise and training of the large fraction of young researchers in the field.
On January 24th, 2019 the SOLARNET General Assembly met in Brussels and kicked-off the new project. The leaders of the work packages and sub-tasks agreed on the harmonized nature of the proposed activities, which is evident in several areas: transnational access and service programs to unify access to solar observatories and data repositories, networking activities for students such as summer and winter schools, and joint research activities to develop new instrumentations and data repositories.
SOLARNET consortium. The SOLARNET H2020 project -coordinated by the Leibniz Institute for Solar Physics (KIS)- is a consortium of 35 partners, 28 research institutions and 7 companies, located in thirteen European countries and 3 non-European ones (Japan, USA, and Russian Federation). The project is a logical continuation of the very successful SOLARNET FP7.
SOLARNET H2020 is organised in 10 work packages designed to strengthen the European solar physics community (by integrating all groups with complementary expertise), enhance the scientific productivity of its members (by facilitating access to research infrastructures and data repositories) and ensure that the budding young generation of scientists are prepared to take full advantage of the next generation facilities (planned or under construction).
The project has already issued some calls and access opportunites, such as a transnational access programme for observing time, a mobility programme and a training school for solar researchers. For more information, visit
‘Solar spectropolarimetry: From virtual to real observations‘ will be held at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Switzerland between September 9-14, 2019. Further information can be found at
Deadline: June 30, 2019