Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata


Acronym: UNITOV

Location: Rome (Italy) 

Website: web.uniroma2.it


The University of Rome Tor Vergata was established in 1982. It was designed following the model of Anglo-Saxon campuses: it stretches over 600 hectares and hosts important research institutions, such as the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).

The Department of Physics promotes scientific research and teaching in the field of experimental and theoretical studies of physical phenomena. The department promotes and coordinates applications in physical sciences and new technologies, the development of new teaching and learning methods, advanced instrumentation, in cooperation with schools, companies, healthcare, bodies for public protection, environment and cultural heritage. The department exploits the competences and professional qualification of its core staff, as well as the human and infrastructural resources assigned to it.



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