Acronym: UNICT
Location: Catania (Italy)
University of Catania (UNICT) is the oldest University in Sicily and one of the oldest in Italy. It consists of 17 Departments involving about 1500 researchers and 40.000 students. UNICT is strongly committed to implement EU policies for the development of scientific careers and, in particular, the principles of the European Charter of Researchers and the Code of conduct for recruitment. The Research Office hosts one of the 17 Italian Mobility Centers participating to the EURAXESS. UNICT participates to the EUNICE (European University for Customised Education) Consortium, designed to solve social and economic challenges, both globally and locally. This alliance results in a solid network of crossed interactions between educational institutions, industry and business partners, as well as other social, cultural, artistic and sports stakeholders. UNICT also has an intensive collaboration with research organizations and enterprises present on the territory (the so-called “Etna Valley”). UNICT has a “Scuola Superiore”, a University Centre for outstanding students.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy “Ettore Majorana” (DFA) is, within UNICT, the primary location for research activity in different fields of fundamental Physics, Astrophysics, in Computing facilities and network infrastructure as a quite powerful computing center fully supported and managed by INFN is operating inside the DFA. This computer center is devoted to scientific computation for important experiments at CERN (ALICE, CMS, ATLAS, and LHCf). Moreover, the Astrophysics Section hosts an equatorial bar used to carry on daily observations of the solar photosphere and chromosphere.