Mullard Space Science Laboratory


Acronym: MSSL - UCL

Location: London (United Kingdom) 



The Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL) is University College London’s Department of Space and Climate Physics. Since MSSL was established in 1966, it has participated in over 35 satellite missions and over 200 rocket experiments. MSSL has provided instrumentation for Skylab 3, OSO 4, SpaceLab2, Solar Maximum Mission, Yohkoh, SOHO, Hinode and Solar Orbiter.

The laboratory is located in a Victorian mansion in the Surrey Hills, 35 miles from London. Scientists there have the unique capability of designing, building and testing instruments and other spacecraft systems on site. Seven research groups supported by engineers conduct the scientifc research across the areas of solar physics, space plasma physics, planetary science, astrophysics, imaging and climate extremes.



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