National Observatory of Athens


Acronym: NOA

Location: Athens (Greece) 



The National Observatory of Athens (NOA) at Thission facing Acropolis is the first research institution founded in Greece (1842). It has long been used by scientists for astronomical, meteorological and geodynamical studies in the more than 170 years long course of its history. It is a national organization operating under public law rules and is supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation. NOA consists of 3 research Institutes: the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development and the Geodynamic Institute.

NOA with its highly-skilled personel and the important infrastructure obtained over the last years plays an important role at national and international level to the evolution of basic and applied research, the development of innovative services provided to the Greek State, as well as to public and private sectors and the public outreach.



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