The EST Project is currently undergoing the EST Optics and Adaptive Optics (AO) Preliminary Review, supervised by an international expert review panel.
The EST Optics and AO Preliminary Design Review (PDR) kicked off on September 4, 2024 with an online meeting. Seven internationally renowned professionals from five organisations, specialising in various fields such as optics, adaptive optics, instrumentation, and astronomical telescopes, will examine the comprehensive documentation prepared by the EST Project Office. From there, it will be assessed whether the optical design and the AO design meet the EST scientific and technical requirements at stage of the project.
The completeness and suitability of the optical model, the feasibility of the optics manufacturing schedule, the selection and implementation of engineering budgets, the stability of the AO image, and the influence of vibrations are some of the key aspects under review. Additionally, the main optical and AO risks—already identified and documented—will be evaluated along with possible mitigation strategies.
This review marks a significant milestone in the development of the European Solar Telescope, as it will not only assess the work carried out so far but also provide feedback in the form of improvement suggestions and recommendations based on the extensive knowledge and experience of the international review panel.
Next steps
On 10 and 11 October, an in-person meeting will take place in La Laguna, Spain, where the panel will discuss recommendations and critical issues with the EST Project Office staff and other project members. A final report with recommendations will be delivered by the review panel at the end of the PDR.
Although the preliminary design phase of scientific instruments and infrastructures concludes with a comprehensive review of the entire system, the scale of the EST project necessitates partial PDRs before reaching that point. So far, the reviews of M1, M2, telescope structure, and heat rejecter have been completed. Once the remaining ones—control and software—are carried out, the global EST PDR will be addressed. This will include the EST mechanics, building, operation and maintenance, facilities, some optical details, systems engineering, management, instruments, and summaries of the partial PDRs.
Passing the global PDR implies that the design of all telescope systems and subsystems is completed, meets requirements, are technologically feasible, and do not show critical risks that may compromise the success of the project. After the global PDR, the telescope specifications will be documented and the detailed design will be tendered, as a previous step to construction.