ESCAPE: EU Particle Physics and Astronomy commit to the Research Data Revolution

The EU member states have launched the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative, a cloud for universal access to data in Europe through a single online platform.


EOSC will federate existing resources across national data centres, e-infrastructures and research infrastructures, allowing researchers and citizens to access and re-use data produced by other scientists.

ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) will address the Open Science challenges shared by ESFRI facilities (SKA, CTA, KM3NeT, EST, ELT, HL-LHC, FAIR) as well as other pan-European research infrastructures (CERN, ESO, JIVE) in astronomy and particle physics.

ESCAPE aims at delivering solutions to ensure integration of data, tools, services and scientific software. These actions will establish interoperability within EOSC as an integrated multi-probe facility for fundamental science.

ESCAPE is funded by the European Union through its Horizon 2020 Programme, with a total amount of 16 M€. This funding will help boost the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud, and it will be effective in the first quarter of 2019. Several members of the EST consortium participate actively in ESCAPE. Congratulations to all!

For more information, see:…/EN_ESCAPE_Press_Communication2011…


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